Over the last two years, HIDOE and UH-Leeward Community College have partnered to collect video evidence of the effective instructional practices of Hawaiʻi teachers. This effort is to honor and support the growth of effective teaching. The project hopes to share teaching practice to drive discussions for professional learning.
In this multi-year collaborative project, the Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) and UH-Leeward Community College
(UH-LeeCC) have partnered with multiple local schools to collect video evidence of the effective instructional and classroom practices of "Highly Effective" HIDOE teachers. Primarily, teachers have been chosen to participate based on recommendations and overall EES evaluations. Specifically, our project seeks out teachers who have received a high ratings on the Danielson's Observation Model. That said, this is a project for and about teachers, and a "rating" does not ensure inclusion or exclusion from this project. Above all, in order to showcase the range of talent in Hawaii classrooms, the project is focusing on having representative diversity of the Hawai'i teacher workforce, student demographics, and geographic locations. We would like to encourage you to share your amazing work and be a part of supportive network of professionals in the state of Hawai'i. We are seeking teachers who are interested in demonstrating:
*Data from this project will support professional development of current and future teachers, as well as serve as the foundation for scholarly research in University of Hawai'i system. Please refer to FAQ's for entire project scope.
Benefits of Participation
*All teacher compensation (stipends from UH-LEECC) will be awarded for work done outside of the teacher’s contractual HIDOE working hours. Take a look at some of the work our teachers have done!Additional Information
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